Thursday 18 October 2012

GameFront Files


Mucking around with 3ds max at first, i found it hard to make a complex design, so i decided to jump into revit and design my model. After i felt the bulk model was complete i exported that into 3ds max where i then started working on materials and textures.

My disapointment was that i was unable to import my model in crysis environment, however i took advantage of 3ds max and decided to use that for my environment/renders/animations. My additional Representation i had to go with BuildAR which i felt went well. With more time on my hands i may have been able to build a better buildar plateform for the markers.

End result for everything i am happy with how things turned out :)
Interactive A1 PDF's

Post Production Visualisations/High Quality Renders



 Prescribed Additional Representation.

My Prescribed Additional Representation i decided to go with was build AR, I was having trouble with exporting crysis however i feel buildAR helped convey my concepts across in a significant way.

Animation/Video Capture

Fly Through inbetwenn the station whilst train is passing by.

Stationary camera view capturing train passing by the plateform.

Texture Montage/Markers buildAR

Thursday 11 October 2012

Design Progress Using Revit

Elevations in revit

3d views in revit

Thursday 4 October 2012


My design i have chosen to do is a train station. This station will be situated in a busy area. Consisting of 4 platforms this train station i felt suited well with my 2 concepts (Movement and Connectivity). Using the flow of people in and out of trains and platforms helps convey the flow of movement. The design of the station will be based on sections pieced together as connection.

I found that modeling the entire thing in 3ds max was abit complicated if i were to create a inside visualisatoin, so i devided to create my model in revit, then export it into 3ds max.

Thursday 20 September 2012


Two main ideas that i have taken in is to create either
1: A Train Station
This train station would be split into sections allowing me to convey my Movement concept into how an avatar navigates through the station into certain platforms. Connection will help me design a Abstract station in which movement can be conveyed.
2:A Hotel/Resort
Ideally this resort would be on the edge of a type of cliff next to a beach or ocean, Allowing me to use Connection to connect parts of the resort together. This again will allow me to convey my Movement concept as it will help me move about different parts of the resort.

I feel both my Concepts (movement/Connection) will work strongly on each part of the design as in order to successfully accomplish movement a good connection needs to be established.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Assignment 3

My Architect from project one is Zaha Hadid. For assignment 3 i have decided to go with is the "Evelyn Grace Academy". The other architect i have gone with is Keiichiro Sako and the building i have gone with that they have designed is called "bumps" in Bejing.


Both buildings show a significant way of connecting pieces into a building., If you have a look at Zaha hadid building the "Evelyn Grace Academy" i have a section showing a broken down section that elaborates the connection between different pieces of the building to join as one, Same goes for "bumps" in Beijing. A form of stacking is involed to create a connection into construction in "bumps".

Both designs have a unique sense of movement. Bumps carries flow not only from above ground but below ground too taken you from one building to another from underneath. Zaha's building have flow similar to my project 1 design as it carries throughout the oblong tubes being placed in certain spots to allow not only connection but movement.

Evelyn Grace Academy-Zaha Hadid  BUMPS Keiichiro Sako 
In this view i have tried to show her way of connection between pieces of the architecture, as you can see almost like tetris she has joined two parts together.

This view shows that from the side it has some sort of pattern peppered through the design, so seeming like it is just extrusions of a straight rectangle, there are lots of rectangles stacked differently.
The idea of this is to help show movement, flow through the building, not just pieces put together like lego, but thought of how the flow of the building will work.

This shows a better understanding of "bumps" as you can see the thought of stacking in different positions to give a abstract look however still gave movement into consideration on how you would move around the building. 

This birds eye view shows in different colour, the sections involved inwhich are all linked together.

Even from detailed to a single area, the thought of movement inside the connecting blocks ahve been taken into consideration.

This is a great perspective showing sections of each piece separately and put together giving the a better understanding of the connectivity taken place along with how to move about from sections a-z. 
A wire frame view of the building gives us a better visual on how the stacking is taken place, and broken down is simply oblong tubes stacked in a pattern like order to give a abstract look. 

Through section of this academy, The Conection is taken place from both sides of the building, giving one main link between both sides.
This section shows us alittle more about the structure of "bumps" in relation to the academy, a certain detail of connection and movement thoughts have been taken in, here shows an underground movement to the other building (not just from outdoors). 

Wednesday 22 August 2012


The name of my model is called "The Oblong". With my markers i decided to with one big marker, and then have pieces that will be added bit by bit to help me deconstruct my model. The first marker is the bottom half seperated from the top half. This allows me to show the viewer how the bottom part is connected, Same goes for the second marker which is the top half only. The third marker is the ful model which is rotating in a circle allowing the viewer to see the entire model all around. The fouth marker is the model but all in individual pieces being brought together bit by bit..This shows the viewer a small little construction of my model.

With my Renders, i rendered the model then blended it into landscapes with photoshop. My Posters i decided to go much simpler than the old posters, however try connect the two posters together. I found the video embedding annoying as i had to convert my videos to flash but eventually got it. 

Jpeg Images of Posters

3 Realistic photos/renders

Screen Shots in Action


Marker 1

Marker 2

Marker 3

Marker 4

Thursday 2 August 2012

Assignment 1 - The Concept Composition




Reflection on "Oblong Tubes"

From my design concept i have brought out movement and bending paths. These design concepts have given me the chance to break down the thoughts behind the Maxxi building and also allowed me to re represent the building in a different model. My focus after my paper models was not only to recreate a similar design, but to understand the flow of movement, her challenge of symmetrical geometry and how she went about bending tubes into place to create an building.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Week01 / 02 Independent Study

Zaha Hadid

Chosen Building

Maxxi conquer Rome

Design Concept i have found  through this building is Bending Paths .
I found with her work on this building, she used bending oblong tubes, overlapping, intersecting and piling over each other, resembling a piece of massive transport infrastructure

Paper Model 1 - bending paths

The use of movement comes from her idea of paths being changed bent or manipulated. The model below shows a pathway going one way then suddently changing direction. This model however doesn't show the connection between both pathways but comes across to me as a sense of direction suddenly changing.


Paper Model 2-movement
 For this paper model, i have given this concept movement. Creating a path in between two structures. The aim im trying to create is a flowing movement between and also inside structures.

Research on Maxxi

Plan Drawings

Presentation models, renderings, sketches, study models, and study paintings.

Image References and resources

Analysis of the Building

Just from looking at sketches/thoughts of the building before plans were done, It looks like behind the design was not only symmetrical challenging designs but the way it flowed around. Those lines in the pictures above represent movement and flow of the building. This gave her the idea of long flowing sections of the building. Then came the symmetrical challenge whilst expanding her design into a massive national museum.

3ds max model renders and different views.